At around the world, we’ve built over 80 successful apps in the last five years. However, developing an app can be a daunting process for developers and business owners alike. It takes about 18 weeks to develop and release a standard mobile app. Which is the same amount of time it takes to build 168 standard cars or 3 concrete swimming pools. Since entering the mobile arena is essential to every business’s marketing strategy.

Mobile App
Mobile App

Step 1: Do the Mobile App Necessary Research

The most successful entrepreneurs tend to be the most innovative such as app design Dubai. While it’s an obvious platitude, all apps start as ideas. Identifying a problem or market inefficiency is an important first step in finding a valid idea for your app. If similar apps already exist, be sure to ask yourself: What are they missing and how can I do better? Reading competitor reviews is a useful strategy that allows you to assess a gap or new demand in the market. This design phase involves exhaustive investigation. Before diving headfirst into the development process, it is imperative that you do your homework to determine both the purpose and validity of your app.

Researching and projecting current market trends, choosing a monetization strategy (check out our recent article on this). And scouting your competitors to ensure your app will survive. Additionally, it is important to familiarize yourself with all existing regulations to ensure your app does not violate the terms of service of your potential partners or any third parties you wish to integrate with. Having a detailed budget in mind is also crucial to defining your possibilities and limitations. Once you have sorted out these practicalities and clearly defined the direction you are going in with the mobile app, you can proceed with confidence.

Step 2: Create a quick and easy working Mobile App structure

Much like blueprints for a house or building, a wireframe is a simple, skeletal layout of your application’s structure. Wireframes specifically focus on space allocation and prioritization of content, available features, and intended behaviors. Since the purpose of a wireframe is not to represent visual design, wireframes should be simple and minimalistic. Don’t waste your time selecting colors, fonts, or images at this stage. There are a plethora of wireframing tools you can use to bring your sketches to life. Balsamiq, which has been around since 2008, is a popular choice. Since wireframes are supposed to require very little effort and time, Balsamiq is incredibly easy to use.

After adding the necessary and basic elements to your sketch, the app developers in dubai allows you to resize, position, and customize all the features. The foundation of a building must be fundamentally sound before an expensive coat of paint can be applied. Likewise, your app must have a clear wireframe before its other, more decorative elements can be supported. Since rewriting code is a huge hassle, keep in mind that you should make changes to your app structure here rather than later. Also note that good app ideas are easily tainted by poorly thought-out interfaces and experiences, which means this step is crucial in the overall development process.

Step 3: Assess the technical feasibility of your app

As a powerful communication tool, your wireframe will provide you with an overview of the backend needed to support your app’s features. Backend structures include APIs, data diagrams, servers, data integration, and push notification services. Your app will have different requirements depending on the intended form factor (smartphone, tablet, wearables, etc.) and platform (iOs, Android, etc.).

Development technologies such as PhoneGap, Nativescript, and Xamarin offer features and limitations against which your app design must be validated. At this point, you may realize that some of the features Your application’s initial capabilities are not feasible. Make sure to involve a technical architect who is familiar with the platform’s features early in the design process to avoid complications that can be both time-consuming and costly. After modifying your wireframe to account for technical limitations, you can move on to app development companies in dubai.

By Hunter